Shopify Statistics 2024: A Glimpse into the E-commerce Powerhouse

Breakdown of Important Statistics for Shopify & E-commerce

M Ahmed Tayib
5 min readMar 6, 2024


Shopify has established itself as a dominant force in the e-commerce world, empowering millions of businesses to thrive online. As we move through 2024, let’s delve into some key statistics that highlight the platform’s reach, impact, and future potential.

Market Share and User Base:

  • Stores: As of March 2024, there are over 4.6 million active Shopify stores globally, catering to a vast consumer base.
  • Market Share: Shopify holds a significant share of the e-commerce market, accounting for approximately 26% of the total market share.
  • Daily Active Users: The platform boasts an impressive 2.1 million daily active users on average, showcasing its dynamic user engagement.

Global Reach and Economic Impact:

  • Consumers: Shopify merchants serve over 700 million global consumers, demonstrating the platform’s expansive reach and influence.
  • Economic Contribution: In 2024, Shopify stores contribute an estimated $319 billion to global e-commerce, highlighting their significant economic impact.

Revenue and Growth:

  • Revenue: Shopify reported $7.1 billion in revenue in 2023, showcasing its consistent financial growth.
  • Gross Payment Volume (GPV): The platform’s GPV reached $137.0 billion in 2024, representing a substantial portion of the total Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV).

Additional Insights:

  • Mobile Dominance: 79% of Shopify’s traffic originates from mobile devices, underlining the growing importance of mobile-first shopping experiences.
  • Success Rates: While success rates can vary significantly, estimates suggest they range between 5% and 10% for Shopify stores, emphasizing the importance of strategic planning and execution.
  • Shopify Plus: This premium offering caters to larger businesses, with over 49,700 Shopify Plus stores currently operational worldwide.

Looking Ahead

Shopify’s continuous innovation and focus on user experience position the platform for continued success in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape. As online shopping habits and preferences continue to shift, it will be interesting to see how Shopify adapts and expands its offerings to meet the demands of tomorrow’s e-commerce landscape.

While comprehensive, publicly available statistics for the online ad performance of Shopify stores in 2024 are still scarce, here are some approximations based on available data and industry trends:

Overall Spend:

  • Total online ad spend by Shopify stores in 2023: Between $20 billion and $30 billion (This is an approximation based on Shopify’s estimated GMV and industry averages for online advertising spend as a percentage of GMV).

Channel Breakdown (Percentage of total spend):

  • Social media advertising: 50% (This includes platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok)
  • Search engine advertising (SEA): 30% (This primarily refers to Google Ads)
  • Display advertising: 15% (This includes banner ads and other visual ad formats on various websites and apps)
  • Other channels: 5% (This could include native advertising, video advertising, and other emerging channels)

Average Cost per Click (CPC):

  • Average CPC across all channels: $0.50 — $2.00 (This is a general estimate and can vary significantly based on factors mentioned previously)

Conversion Rate:

  • Average conversion rate for Shopify stores: 2% — 3% (This is again a general estimate and can vary depending on the industry, product type, and campaign effectiveness)

Important Note:

  • These are estimates and should be interpreted with caution.
  • The actual online ad statistics for Shopify stores in 2024 or any specific year can vary significantly depending on individual store data and the factors mentioned earlier.

It’s crucial to remember that these are just approximations, and the actual performance of online advertising campaigns for Shopify stores can differ considerably. For accurate data and insights, it’s essential to conduct your own research and utilize the reporting tools provided by advertising platforms to gain specific performance data for your campaigns.

Expected CPC Statistics for Different Countries (E-commerce & Shopify)

Predicting precise CPC statistics is challenging due to the dynamic nature of online advertising. However, based on e-commerce industry trends and available data, we can provide a general overview of expected CPC ranges for different regions.

These estimated CPC ranges are specifically relevant for e-commerce and Shopify stores seeking to reach audiences within the mentioned regions. It’s important to note that these figures might not be applicable to other business models, such as service-based businesses or B2B companies. Their online advertising strategies might require different targeting approaches and potentially encounter different average CPCs.

  • North America (US & Canada): Expected CPC Range $1.50 — $3.00
  • Western Europe (UK, Germany, France): Expected CPC Range $1.00 — $2.50
  • Eastern Europe: Expected CPC Range $0.50 — $1.50
  • Asia Pacific: Expected CPC Range $0.75 — $2.00
  • South America: Expected CPC Range $0.75 — $1.50
  • Australia: Expected CPC Range $1.00 — $2.00
  • India: Expected CPC Range $0.75 — $1.25
  • Brazil: Expected CPC Range $1.00 — $1.75
  • Mexico: Expected CPC Range $1.25 — $2.00
  • Indonesia: Expected CPC Range $0.75 — $1.50
  • Russia: Expected CPC Range $1.00 — $2.00
  • Japan: Expected CPC Range $1.25 — $2.50
  • South Korea: Expected CPC Range $1.50 — $3.00
  • Italy: Expected CPC Range $1.00 — $2.00
  • Spain: Expected CPC Range $1.00 — $2.00
  • Netherlands: Expected CPC Range $1.25 — $2.25
  • Sweden: Expected CPC Range $1.50 — $2.50
  • Turkey: Expected CPC Range $1.00 — $1.75
  • Poland: Expected CPC Range $0.75 — $1.25
  • Thailand: Expected CPC Range $0.75 — $1.50
  • Singapore: Expected CPC Range $1.00 — $2.00

Factors Influencing CPC Variations:

  • Industry: Competitive industries like finance, insurance, and legal services often have higher CPCs compared to less competitive ones.
  • Targeting: Precise targeting based on demographics, interests, and behaviors can lead to higher CPCs compared to broader targeting.
  • Ad format: CPC can vary depending on the ad format used (e.g., display banner vs. video ad).
  • Device: CPC might be higher for ads displayed on mobile devices compared to desktops.
  • Seasonality: CPCs tend to rise during peak shopping seasons due to increased competition.

Additional Considerations:

  • These are estimates and should be used for informational purposes only.
  • CPCs can fluctuate significantly within each region based on the factors mentioned above.
  • It’s crucial to conduct your own research using advertising platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads to obtain more precise estimates based on your specific targeting criteria and campaign goals.

For Shopify Stores:

While the above ranges provide a general idea, keep in mind that some studies suggest slightly higher CPCs for Shopify stores compared to other e-commerce platforms. This highlights the importance of optimizing campaigns and potentially exploring alternative marketing strategies alongside online advertising for Shopify businesses.

